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Family Photos in Paris, The Hennichs from London

Family Walking Paris Street Family Walks in Sunset

Young Family at Notre Dame Mother Holding Toddler Family on Bridge in Paris

Family Walks Near Eiffel Tower Family in Front of Paris Skyline

Being a professional photographer in Paris, I occasionally spend time searching for great backdrops for family photos. I love navigating the maze of streets in the most beautiful city in the world.

During this family shoot, I got to take young Alice and her parents through my urban playground. Though she’ll never remember actually being here at that age, I’m sure she’ll grow up viewing these images in albums, frames, and slideshows. Photos we grow up with, sometimes link to deep sentimental emotions. I like to imagine Alice returning to Paris when she reaches her mother’s age here. Will she feel a connection with the city of love when she sees these sights again in real life? These thoughts motivate the family photo-shoots I capture in this great city.